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Perfect paid media performance with organic results

Dig down, find simple problems, and you’ll figure out a way to improve conversions and increase an already profitable bottom line.
Jim Stewart
Jim Stewart

We hate to see money being left on the table, so we’re always looking for new opportunities for our clients. With one e-commerce client we had, we found a way to turn aย minuscule outlay into fantastic returns. It’s all about harnessing the power of Google and its powerful ad products.

I like to talk about organic sales and conversion and things like that, but sometimes I like to combine tools from two different areas. In this case, both of them are from the same publisher: Google. We had one client using Google shopping, and we upped the bid by one cent. That’s right, just one cent. It turned into a 357%ย return on investment. It cost them $1,600 to make $18,000, and their conversion rate was up there as well.

Normally we would have thought that was a great result for that campaign, but we checked another tool from Google called Dynamic Search Ads. Google takes the information for the ads from your own search pages. We used it to take a closer look at those ad returns from a newer campaign. Taking a look at desktop, we saw an investment of under $800 turn into about $16,000 in sales. On the other hand, when we looked at mobile we saw an outlay of about $600 that brought in less than $35! Not exactly a great result.

We checked Google Ad Console and found out a lot of the product pages were unusable, and they weren’t converting for the users on there. This was a great way for us to find a simple way to increase income by thousands of dollars.

Dig down, find simple problems, and you’ll increase an already profitable bottom line.

This article originally published on

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