Rumours abound that Apple’s soon-to-be-released iPhone 4G OS will facilitate video chat, with so-called leaked screenshots of the device unveiled on the Boy Genius Report website, which shows a menu from the iPhone with “Video Calls Debugging” as an option.
The second screenshot depicts a Video Calls Debugging screen with options to Enable All Logging, Disable All Logging or Dump Logs.
Video chat would be eagerly received by tech boffins, however one expert doubts the likelihood of Apple providing the video chat facility.
Sascha Segan from PCMag says: “Apple is very picky about its multimedia experiences, and video chat with mobile devices over cellular networks doesn’t work well.”
“At CTIA, the CEO of Skype said the problems are network-centric as much as device-centric. Apple would rather leave a feature out than deliver a subpar experience.”