Tax Tax experts welcome trusts consultation paper but warn case law must be harmonised with legislation Patrick Stafford November 22, 2011
Business Advice Tax experts warn trust managers to review deeds ahead of new legislation Patrick Stafford June 5, 2011
Tax Most taxpayers to lose out with new motor vehicle FBT rules: Treasury Patrick Stafford June 1, 2011
Business Advice Senate to debate R&D legislation but critics still want amendments Patrick Stafford May 9, 2011
Tax Tax groups say crackdown on tax breaks for company cars likely in Budget SmartCompany May 2, 2011
Finance Experts wary of suggestions trusts could be targeted in Federal Budget SmartCompany April 26, 2011
Tax ATO figures show Government’s standard tax deduction plan may not entice workers SmartCompany March 30, 2011
Tax Government to clarify key trust rules as ATO warns on use of trusts in labour-hire sector James Thomson March 6, 2011
Business Advice Chartered Accountants call for small business investment allowance to help flood recovery James Thomson February 2, 2011
Business Advice Government considers special flood levy to pay damages bill Patrick Stafford January 20, 2011