Growth From the Smart50 to a $200 million takeover: M2 Telecommunications buys Primus as telco consolidation continues Patrick Stafford 17 April, 2012
Technology M2 co-founder Vaughan Bowen moves to chief operating officer after 12 years in CEO role Patrick Stafford 30 August, 2011
Technology M2 Telecommunications profit doubles despite struggle to integrate acquisitions Patrick Stafford 30 August, 2010
Finance M2 continues run of acquisitions, buys Clever Communications for $5 million James Thomson 15 April, 2010
Technology MyNetFone and M2 post good results as UXC and Bravura suffer Patrick Stafford 28 August, 2009
Finance M2 acquires assets of collapsed telco Commander Communications Patrick Stafford 03 June, 2009