Marketing Shoes of Prey co-founder Jodie Fox reveals the surprising way the brand found its name Eloise Keating 06 November, 2015
Growth Lush wins retailer of the year: $36 million in turnover all through word-of-mouth advertising Cara Waters 02 July, 2015
Growth Shoes of Prey moves to LA: Jodie Fox’s three tips for knowing when to go Kirsten Robb 15 June, 2015
Growth Online retailer Shoes of Prey turns to bricks and mortar after scoring $6.5 million in funding Cara Waters 03 December, 2014
Growth Shoes of Prey strikes deal with Nordstrom to open shops in the US Cara Waters 05 November, 2014
Growth Fast Lane: “Open the kimono” and other phrases which should be banned in business Cara Waters 28 July, 2014
Finance THE LIGHTER SIDE: How far will you go to prove your product’s worth? Cara Waters 05 July, 2013