Startups Millions in crypto “may be lost” after exchange founder takes password to his grave Stephanie Palmer-Derrien February 6, 2019
Technology Startups Australia’s plan to make Google and Facebook de-crypt messages could weaken cyber security The Conversation July 21, 2017
Technology Federal court targeted in cyber attacks: Five tips to protect your business Dinushi Dias August 4, 2016
Startups FBI backs off from its day in court with Apple this time – but there will be others The Conversation March 30, 2016
Startups Why the FBI’s case against Apple only made everyone’s security worse The Conversation March 29, 2016
Startups The fight for encryption gets new allies as tech companies join Apple against the FBI The Conversation March 6, 2016
Business Advice Technology What is ransomware and how to protect your business from it SmartCompany February 18, 2016
Startups FBI Director Comey’s false dilemma: “ban encryption or accept terrorism” The Conversation July 7, 2015