Entrepreneurs Retail How Hezi and Gabby Leibovich created Scoopon by pounding the pavement with a single piece of paper Gabby Leibovich 04 December, 2020
Retail Catch Group co-founder Gabby Leibovich on his plan to chase Amazon: “A lot of retailers are on the brink of extinction” Emma Koehn 06 June, 2017
Retail Catch Group buys Pumpkin Patch as it signals a move to scoop up more “premium brands” Eloise Keating 23 March, 2017
Technology Catch Group, Shoes of Prey and up to 50 other Australian online retailers’ intellectual property caught up in phishing net Andrew Sadauskas 07 January, 2015
Finance Revealed: Why Catch of the Day snapped up a four-week-old website and launched new lifestyle site Mumgo Engel Schmidl 12 July, 2012