Startups Artificial intelligence startup Flamingo raises $5.1 million in 12 minutes for its virtual assistants ‘Rosie’ and ‘Maggie’ Angela Castles October 24, 2017
Technology Startups Will AI make our lives better? Consumers still need to be convinced Martin Kovacs October 6, 2017
Technology Startups Machine smarts: How advanced can we expect robotics to become? Martin Kovacs October 2, 2017
Startups Meet the 23 innovative Australian startups chosen for this year’s Tech23 showcase Angela Castles September 7, 2017
Technology Startups Artificial intelligence cyber attacks could happen in the next 12 months The Conversation August 28, 2017
Technology Startups Alan Finkel: Robots won’t replace us because we still need that human touch The Conversation August 23, 2017
Marketing Startups Should you let a robot decide how you tell your brand story? Three digital marketing trends explained Emma Koehn August 4, 2017
Business Advice Government wants to change the definition of “bank” … Elon Musk says AI is a “fundamental risk” to humanity … Only four Topshop stores remain Dominic Powell July 17, 2017
Marketing Technology Millennials are on board with artificial intelligence-fuelled advertising: Report Dominic Powell June 9, 2017
Technology Startups How Google’s AlphaGo artificial intelligence is set to tackle real world challenges The Conversation June 8, 2017
Startups Business Advice Bill Gates reveals the three industries he’d dive into if he was starting out today Dinushi Dias May 16, 2017
Startups Apple acquires Stanford professor’s “dark data” company Lattice Data for $270 million Dinushi Dias May 15, 2017