Update your website content

Most businesses have a spot on their website where they provide users – or at least promise to provide users – with updated content.
It might be under the heading of “latest news”. It might be a company blog. It might even be a prominent spot on the home page where media releases are displayed.
Whatever it is, it’s often at least a few weeks out of date, and possible even a few months. It’s not a good look. It says you are stale, there’s nothing happening at your business and you can’t be bothered updating the site.
What you need to do is very simple – update something!
I know it’s time consuming, and I know it sits below lots of other jobs in order of importance. But starting a blog or a “latest news” section involves a commitment. You cannot just do it once, and then forget about it.
If you are struggling to think of something to write about, just think about what your business has been doing recently. Have you got a new product or staff member? A big new customer? Are you covering a new market?
If so, write about it. Now!
Get it done – today!