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Glimmers of hope for startups with capital raises in 2024 up 30%

The latest data has encouraging signs for Aussie startups’ fundraising, with total capital raised in the first half of 2024 up 30% YoY to $1.99 billion.
Simon Crerar
Simon Crerar
startup raise
On the up: selected SmartCompany raises from 2024. Source: SmartCo

Earlier this year, we took a pulse check on the startup ecosystem, and detected early signs that a (slight) increase in women-led startup raises in 2024 pointed to a possible inflection point for better gender diversity in the funding landscape.

How much have startups raised in 2024?

This week the latest data from Cut Through Venture showed that all-male founding teams claimed 85% of the $1.7 billion raised by local start-ups in the first five months of the year so far.

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