Right – things are getting a little spooky out there right now. Sharemarkets around the world are dipping, recession talk is suddenly back on the agenda and consumer confidence remains mired in uncertainty.
Here at Taskmaster Enterprises, we’ve been through all this before of course. When fear starts to spread from financial markets into the real economy, things can get a little hairy. Customers suddenly stop spending, belts get tightened and accountants start wondering whether budgets are going to be met.
The best way to react is to start talking. Jump on the phone and call all the key people in and around your business – investors, customers, suppliers and mentors.
What are you going to ask them? Start by finding out what they are seeing in the market.
Are there still opportunities? Are customers demanding different products or services? Have transaction sizes gone down? Which sectors are spending and which are not?
It is only with this sort of market intelligence that you can make good decisions about your company. Perhaps you’ll pull back in one area and push resources into another. Perhaps you’ll increase or decrease certain types of marketing.
The key is to make informed decisions and your network can help.
Get it done – today!