41. Clik Real Estate

Founder: Garry Braams
Revenue: $409,000
Started: 2008
Head Office: New South Wales
Employees: 2
Industry: Real Estate & Property
Website: https://www.clickre.com.au
After losing everything that he had after the introduction of the GST in 2000, property developer Garry Braams faced a challenge – he had over $20 million worth of property to sell, but he was only limited to one real estate agent under an exclusivity contract.
Braams emerged from his problem with a view to start property network that would allow a number of different estate agencies to sell properties.
The project works like this. Real estate agents join the Clik agent network, and then can join as three different types of agents.
The sourcing agent provides property for the network to sell. The lead agent works with completed and second-hand properties.The third type, the selling agent, enables agents from traditional shop-front businesses to work from home and sell property on the Clik network.
The company’s first project took off, selling over $50 million worth of apartments using 20 different members, with some from Hong Kong and Singapore.
Clik has even gained the attention of former LJ Hooker chief executive Warren McCarthy, who is helping the company with a $5 million capital raising.
Braams says the company is able to put power in the hands of developers and vendors, and allows real estate agents to work from home, and sell property to anyone.
“Clik’s concept lets anyone in Australia with either a buyer agent license or a real estate license to achiev extra revenue at no cost to their existing business costs.”
But it hasn’t been easy. Braams says the Clik network has evolved through plenty of trial and error.
“Every element of the business I had to do myself first. I found ways to improve the concept by taking a problem and turning it into an improvement”.
Clik has big plans, and has raised $400,000 to assist in bringing more content online, with the view of allowing owners to list their properties.
“Today a buyer has to suffer three appraisals from three local agents and then be forced into signing an exclusive agency agreement. With our system the owner will have more contraol and can expose the property locally or globably when the full system is complete.”