TikTok’s “5 to 9 before the 9 to 5” trend shows off pre and post-work productivity

First came the dance challenges, then last week it was “quiet quitting” and who knows what next week will bring.
But right now, one of the most popular viral social media trends doing the rounds on video hosting service TikTok are “5 to 9 before the 9 to 5” videos and it’s creating quite the scrolling frenzy.
Currently the hashtag #5to9 boasts more than 38.5 million TikTok views, so it’s safe to say TikTok users are loving the content rolling in.
The productivity trend sees TikTok content creators sharing their different routines and giving viewers a sneak peek into what their lives look like between the hours of 5 to 9 in the morning or evening, before or after their regular 9-5 workday begins.
From skincare, kitchen organisation, cooking, studying, yoga, grocery shopping, walking the dog, cleaning to reading, no one routine is the same as another.
TikTok user 8020pod (Lily Rakow) starts off her “5 to 9 before the 9 to 5” routine in the morning with a view before tackling some chores, a book and breakfast.
Another user beaheaton has shown off her evening “5 to 9 before the 9 to 5” routine with a bit of baking, dinner, walking the dog, a quick trip to the grocery shop, chores and studying.
Popular TikTok content creator cameronkira has kept her 14,000 followers updated with both her morning and after work “5 to 9 before the 9 to 5” routines.
Habit scientist and dietitian, Dr Gina Cleo told New York Post she had only recently caught wind of the lifestyle trend, but said having a personal health-focused and maintenance routine before work can be highly beneficial.
“I’m familiar with being productive before the workday starts, but I only noticed the terminology “5 to 9 before your 9 to 5” emerge as a trend more recently,” she said.
“There are only so many hours in a day and using those hours productively can give us a real sense of achievement.”
However, Dr Cleo has warned that “the 5 to 9 lifestyle is absolutely not for everyone”.
“If you are naturally a night-owl, then attempting to do anything at 5am or even 7am is likely to feel completely unachievable,” she said.
“Sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your health, so if you’re naturally waking up just in time to get ready for your 9 to 5 job, then don’t feel bad that you haven’t achieved anything more in the morning. Night owls generally complete their chores, study, exercise, etc. after their workday, not before.”