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Special aisle for blokes? Rethinking the shopping behaviours of your market

A great little story grabbed my attention the other day. A supermarket in New York had set up “Man Isle”, an aisle dedicated to the shopping needs and behaviours of men. According to the Business Insider, Westside Market created the section containing chips, beer, razors, condoms and beef jerky based on two things; more men […]
Engel Schmidl

A great little story grabbed my attention the other day. A supermarket in New York had set up “Man Isle”, an aisle dedicated to the shopping needs and behaviours of men.

According to the Business Insider, Westside Market created the section containing chips, beer, razors, condoms and beef jerky based on two things; more men were shopping and there were common goods that the guys were shopping for.

What can we take from this?

1. Reduce pain points for an underserviced market segment

Structuring their supermarket around the buyer’s experience was a great way of reducing pain points and encouraging habituation.

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