Dear Aunty B,
I read with alarm this morning that the $1.4 billion liquidation of Opes prime’s portfolio has spread to more than a quarter of companies on the ASX. We are a small listed company with a fairly large board. Should I approach my directors and ask them how they have funded their shareholdings? And how do I do it? It seems like a private matter and a few of our directors are high profile members of the business community. (In fact I suspect one has some involvement…)
Name Withheld.
Dear Name Withheld
I can help! Tell me their names and I will ring for you.
They won’t mind. They don’t even need you are behind all of this. And to keep it even more arms length we could publish their answers, photos, pics etc in SmartCompany! We are happy to help clean up any dirty laundry.
No? Well I tried. Seriously. As soon as this crisis broke, you should have asked your directors if they were involved as it could directly impact on your company.
And what do you mean “how” do you ask them? It’s too late to call meetings. You should have this information immediately. Just call them up and put the question. I am sure they sit on other boards and have already been grilled by now. In fact they probably think badly of you for not asking already.
Aunty B
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