Dear Aunty B,
One of my clients is absolutely toxic. I am tempted to tell them where to go but strategically should I hold my fire until the new financial year? Any advice for keeping the blood pressure down?
Thanks Aunty
Over toxic clients
Dear Over toxic clients,
Now, I usually bang on about finances don’t I? I usually spend half my life telling you to chase after every cent, do what it takes to meet your budgets, don’t be rash or precious or “hoity toity” with clients because it is business and they are paying your bills.
But when it comes to the client from hell, the rude, bully client who gets off on making your life miserable, there is only one thing to do – dump them. Why? Well, think about the energy that goes into that relationship. For a start they are usually very demanding. They suck up your time, your energy and they make you negative and generally bad. That affects your productivity, your energy and your attitude. There is a cost in that: both mentally and financially.
So here is what you must do. Replace them. Write down a list of similar companies and contact them. Make sure you get even more money from them. Then once the deal is signed, go out and have a drink and celebrate that the psycho client from hell is out of your hair – and you have replaced then with a nice client and for more money.
Good luck,
Your Aunty B
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