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I have too many ideas and can’t get things done. Help!

Dear Aunty, I have too many ideas which stops me from getting anything done. I feel like my brain is always in top gear… thinking of easier ways to do things… I just can’t concentrate on those repetitive (but necessary) tasks that need to be done for longer than 10 minutes. Take today for example. […]

Dear Aunty,

I have too many ideas which stops me from getting anything done. I feel like my brain is always in top gear… thinking of easier ways to do things… I just can’t concentrate on those repetitive (but necessary) tasks that need to be done for longer than 10 minutes.

Take today for example. I was supposed to update some figures in a spreadsheet. It’s a straightforward task that takes about an hour.

Instead, what do I do? I have been fiddling around now for three hours trying to figure out a way to automate the process so that next time I do it, it will take 10 minutes.

I know I will get there in the end but I just cannot do a task without thinking of a better way of doing it. Any tips on how to get those boring, repetitive tasks done?

Fluffing around


Dear Fluffing around,

So instead of finishing that spread sheet you decide to write to me…listen. What you need is discipline. Write a list of the tasks you have to do by a certain time and then tick them off as you go. Always do the ones that you hate first so that you look forward to the relief when it is out of the way.

Reward yourself at the end when you finish the difficult chores.

You are obviously very creative so always carry a little book with you.

When you have an idea jot it down and return to the task. Then once the task is done and in your free time, work on improving the process. If you are running your own business, you should be offloading repetitive tasks that bore you to people who can do them quicker, faster and better and you should focus on what you are good at.

One other thing: I am worried that you do not have a clear focus on where your business is going. If you are truly focused and have a sense of urgency about your work, then you would be more engaged on finishing the task and not so easily distracted. So make sure you have clear KPIs and really understand where the business is heading and your role in it – even if you are its leader.

So go to it. Never underestimate the hard work involved in business, the day-to-day effort of progressing every goal bit by bit. That is the secret of success. And while it is great to reinvent the wheel, the wheel may be doing a good job and your fluffing around is preventing the cart getting anywhere.

Good luck!
Your Aunty B


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