Does your business have a cyber security strategy?
In Australia, cyber security costs businesses $1 billion a year and, according to the Australian Government, 60 per cent of all targeted attacks struck small and medium businesses.
With news cycles focusing on big business, it can be easy to think data breaches are the remit of big corporates, but in truth most attacks are happening on a small scale, leaving businesses vulnerable. If you hold any information about your customers in a server, you’re a target. The size of your turnover matters less than the information you hold.
Now, more than ever, it’s essential that small business prepare themselves – and their staff – against potential cyber security breaches.
In this ebook, we’ve curated advice from the nation’s leading experts, analysts and even victims of cyber crime to give you a detailed plan to protect your business, including: how to identify common cyber attacks; how to protect the personal identifiable information in your business; strategies to create a culture of protection inside your business; methods to mitigate the financial loss of any cyber crimes; and what the impact of major cyber crimes – like the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal – has for your business, and more.
You can’t change the fact your business may be attacked but, with this ebook, you can learn to protect yourself.