This is a dilemma faced by lots of Facebook page owners who I meet. I’ve put together a checklist of things that you should be doing on your page that may be the reason for the lack of results…
- Do you have a welcome/landing tab? Visitors are twice as likely to “like” your page if they land on a welcome tab rather than the wall.
- Are you posting consistently? That means having a plan and sticking to it week in, week out.
- Do you know what the purpose of your page is? Do you stick to it?
- Are your posts good quality? Really, are they?
- Are you responding to posts and comments put up by your likers? People want to be heard and know that you are listening.
- Does your page contain interesting information?
- Do you drive traffic to your website from your page? Do you measure this?
- Are you measuring/monitoring your page results or are you just expecting one day someone will post a $1 million order on the wall?
- Are you being authentic and real? No one wants to talk to a robot, they want to get to know the people behind the business.
- Are you posting at the right time of day for your audience?
- Are you posting on the right days of the week for your audience?
- Are you looking at your page insights to see what interaction you are getting on your posts?
- Are your posts engaging? Can people actually respond to what you put, or are you just posting statements?
- Are you promoting your Facebook page on your website, in your eNewsletter, in your business and elsewhere?
- Has it been more than a few days? Results take over three months before you see them, sometimes longer, unfortunately patience is required.
- Are you just hardcore selling on your page? No one likes to be sold to all the time, social media is all about building relationships, not trying to flog your products and services.
- Does your audience actually use Facebook?
Now review your page and be honest, if you haven’t looked at these things that could be the reason that the results aren’t forthcoming. Plus, unfortunately, service-based businesses on Facebook are much harder to get engagement on than products, but keep going – it will be worth it.
Lara Solomon is the founder of Mocks, mobile phone socks, founder of Social Rabbit – your guide in the world of social media and author of ‘Brand New Day – the Highs & Lows of Starting a Small Business’. Lara’s business LaRoo was the winner of the NSW Telstra Micro-Business Award in 2008.