Page notifications are available for page admins to let them know via email when a ‘liker’ posts on the wall or responds to a comment posted by the admin. The great thing about these is that it makes it much easier for you to respond to comments quickly, especially if you don’t get around to checking the page every day. However, these settings only apply to the wall – the other tabs you still need to check manually.
There are two ways to get the notifications:
1. Settings on your page
Go to: EDIT PAGE > Settings > Email notifications. You can decide here whether you want to get the notifications. If you are getting too many emails, you can change the settings at any time. If you admin more than one page you will need to do this for every page.
2. Personal profile settings
Facebook has upgraded the notifications section in personal profiles to include pages that you are the admin for, as below. From here you can change the notifications for all your pages in one go.
If you have been wondering what happened to that weekly update email you used to be sent about your pages check in your personal profile settings. When I went to look at this it had been turned off, but I didn’t actually turn it off. Just tick the box and you are ready to go again.
On your page you want to make sure that you are responding to comments and posts made by your ‘likers’. If people have taken the time to write something it needs to be acknowledged so that:
- They know you are listening.
- They feel that they have been acknowledged.
- They want to come back and write another comment.
- Others are more likely to comment because they can see that they will get responded to.
Think of a comment like a present that someone has given you – you would say “thank you” wouldn’t you? This is the same.
Lara Solomon is the founder of Mocks, mobile phone socks, founder of Social Rabbit – your guide in the world of social media and author of ‘Brand New Day – the Highs & Lows of Starting a Small Business’. Lara’s business LaRoo was the winner of the NSW Telstra Micro-Business Award in 2008.