A lot of people are searching for the next big idea.
“This year is my year to hit the big time!” some of us expectantly announce as a New Year resolution, along with losing five kilos. Ironically, it’s the same resolution stated last year. Funny that.
When a phenomenon like Facebook hits, the herd reacts, and cottage industries sprout up like weeds. If the noise is loud enough it can be heard by all, with people rally from all parts of the world to emulate it, but by then, it’s too late.
When you try imitating a big idea all you’re doing is chasing someone else’s dream. There’s nothing inspiring about that. You also focus too much on things that are constantly changing instead of long lasting. And often, you miss what’s right in front of you.
The foundations of your business should be built on things that don’t change. Like the stuff people wanted 10 years ago, want now and will still want 10 years on. I’m talking about speedy service, friendly staff, a personal touch, guarantees, accountability, prompt responses to problems, and of course, value for money.
Focus on the things that matter most and ignore everything else.
Our world is forever changing. Facebook is today’s yoyo, it will come and go. What’s hot today will be tepid by tomorrow. Instead of chasing the next big idea this year, start focusing more on the smaller, simpler and less sensational things: your customers.
What will remain long after the noise is gone, are your customers, and they’ll want more. But more small stuff, so focus on that. What a big way to start the New Year.
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Trent Leyshan is the founder and CEO of BOOM Sales! a leading sales training and sales development specialist. He is also the creator of The NAKED Salesman, BOOMOLOGY! RetroService, and the Empathy Selling Process.