First up there are two places that you need to fill in information on your Facebook page:
1) The info box (this is under the profile picture).
2) The info tab.
In your info box you are limited to 250 characters (note that spaces are not counted in this). The info box needs to contain a brief overview about what your business is and include at least one of your keywords. Keywords are the words that people use when searching for your business, they are the same as the keywords you have for your website. If you aren’t sure what your keywords are go to Google, search for the keyword tool and use the tool to find what your top keywords are.
With the info box try to space out the information so that it is easy to read, so you might have two sentences then a line of space then another three. Also if you want to include your website make sure you include https:// before it so that it hyperlinks (ie. when people click on it they go to your site).
For your info tab, depending on the type of page you have set up, eg. a product, a writer, a local business, a politician, etc, depends on the fields they give you to fill in on this tab. Annoyingly a lot the pages have really irrelevant fields, for example “parking”, but no where to fill in details about what your business does. In this case just ignore that it says parking and just put in what you want, as in all honesty if the info you fill in is interesting then people will ignore the name of the field!
In terms of the information you include on your info tab you must include how people can contact you, include AT LEAST one of these:
- Website address
- Phone number
- Email address
You then want to include some text on what your business offers, eg. the products and services, what makes your business so fantastic and why people should try you, plus you again want to try and include some of your keywords when you write this text. Your keywords should not be listed out like a shopping list, but included in the sentences you write.
The reason that it is important to have these information sections filled in is that they are searchable by search engines, so the more relevant the info in them the higher your page will rank in searches, both in Facebook and on places like Google, Bing, etc.
Lara Solomon is the founder of Mocks, mobile phone socks, founder of Social Rabbit – your guide in the world of social media and author of ‘Brand New Day – the Highs & Lows of Starting a Small Business’. Lara’s business LaRoo was the winner of the NSW Telstra Micro-Business Award in 2008.