In short: sell something you don’t have to sell. Let me explain. Selling is nothing more than leading customers to win/win outcomes. This is so basic yet challenging for so many salespeople because they’re selling or working for a company they don’t believe in.
I would be doing you all a disservice every week in my blog if I was to simply spruik ideals and philosophies that sound logical and well thought out, but aren’t practical. There is always a chasm between knowing and doing. So what actually works?
Hard work! The tough stuff! The things that most people don’t enjoy doing. Facing fears and overcoming rejection. The late nights and the early starts. Paying your own way. The relentless push and grind every day. Investing in yourself. Being accountable. Getting off your butt and doing something you believe in. Learning from your mistakes. Contributing!
And most certainly, swallowing your pride and getting your hands dirty when you need to. For many business people they think they are too good to sell. They’re above selling their own products or services. Even in tough times. Madness. They choose instead to pay someone to sell for them and then complaining about the poor results.
True leadership is inspiring others through your own actions. If you can’t do that, you’re in the wrong game.
Usually the simple stuff that is easy to do, but easier to forget is the most effective. The fundamentals. Or try passing up a few pay packets and your fragile reputation in exchange for a career that is truly meaningful to you.
Then it’s not about selling, it’s merely talking with people and leading them to the benefits.
For more Selling Strategies advice, click here.
Trent Leyshan is the founder and CEO of BOOM Sales! a leading sales training and sales development specialist. He is also the creator of The NAKED Salesman, BOOMOLOGY! RetroService, and the Empathy Selling Process.