In Hollywood they say it takes 16 years to become an overnight success. From my mid-teens to now I’ve always been told that I speak too fast. Whether generally being excited about an issue in a one-on-one conversation, or presenting my thoughts and views at speaking engagements, I have always been told to slow down.
Well I may just have been before my time. Having now absorbed many TEDx videos, attended live speaking events like Ignite Sydney and watched this 15 minute, 90 slide video by Scott Galloway, a professor at NYU Stern, I think my style has finally become fashionable.
When I first saw Scott’s video on YouTube on Thursday it had 733 views. As I write this on Sunday it has been viewed more than 200,000 times, and by the time you watch it today it’s probably going to be around 300,000.
If you work in retail you need to watch this. If you sell product via retail you need to watch this. If you buy services from Google, Facebook, or any other social media provider, you need to watch this. If you own Apple shares and thought they may finally be overpriced and you ought to sell them now, you need to watch this.
It takes 15 minutes and it truly is work if you are concerned about your boss catching you watching YouTube. If you work somewhere that doesn’t allow you to watch YouTube or use social media, it’s likely you’ll be looking for a new job in the next couple of years.
In 15 minutes it lets you see, and have a sense of, the key trends that are shaping the US and European economies, through changes in digital media, digital business, physical logistics and omni-channel retailing. Which means they are trends that will play out in Australia.
You’ll need to watch it three or four times over the week to truly absorb the content. Enjoy.
Kevin A Moore is a retail expert and the chairman of Crossmark Asia Pacific Holdings and Mirador Retail Technology. He is also the founder of TheRoadToRetail.