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Tax revenge rife… Equity mate, online… Kids like maths!… YouTube race hate… Even pros need online help

Tax revenge rife Equity mate, online Kids like maths! YouTube race hate Even pros need online help Quote of the day   Young men want revenge on taxman Nearly half of all men who have had a bad experience with the taxman said it was justification for taking revenge and cheating on their taxes, a […]


Young men want revenge on taxman

Nearly half of all men who have had a bad experience with the taxman said it was justification for taking revenge and cheating on their taxes, a study reported in The Australian Financial Review has found.

A Monash University study of 300 taxpayers’ attitudes to tax evasion found that young highly paid male executives felt most aggrieved at the amount of tax they paid and were more likely to take a chance of being busted by the tax office. Australian-born residents, particularly young highly paid men, were more likely to see evasion as a game they are able to win.

Only 2% to 3% of tax payers are audited. And young men are not scared: 85% said a tax audit would not affect their actions – but 82% said jail time or media exposure would.


It’s equity, mate… online

Want to buy that snazzy new car or holiday home, but don’t quite have the cash to make it happen? Now, according to Springwise, you can fund your new purchase by selling up to half the equity in your home through a new site called provides listings of available properties throughout the US and allows sellers to list the kind of characteristics they are looking for in a co-owner. Potential co-owners can arrange to meet one another online, by phone or in person to determine if they’d make a good match. Once buyers select a property, provides the legal papers and everything else needed to seal the deal.


Kids like maths? Crazy but true

It’s hard to believe, but the numbers don’t lie: more kids say they like maths than any other subject, according to data from Mediamark Research Inc reported in Marketing Charts.

In the survey of more than 5000 US children aged 6-11, 25.4% of them chose maths as their favourite subject in school.

Art is a close second with 22.7% of children naming it as their favourite subject, followed by 12.4% who like reading and 4.2% who like writing.

Gender plays a role in what subject children identify as their favourite, with 28.9% of boys who pick maths as their most-preferred subject compared to 21.6% of girls. Conversely, 26.7% of girls say art their favourite subject compared to only 18.9%.


YouTube hate dispute

YouTube is under fire in Germany for hosting video clips that incite racial hatred. The videos include clips of an anti-Semitic propaganda film, Jud Suess, and two music videos of banned far-right rock band Landser.

According to a report from Reuters, German youth protection body has complained to Google more than 100 times. Some of the material has been on the site for almost a year.


Social networking for professionals

It’s not just mere mortals that turn to the internet for answers to medical problems. Doctors are increasingly doing it too. A growing number professionals are using social networking sites to confer with colleagues.

The Wall Street Journal says, a social-networking site for licensed physicians, is visited regularly by 25,000 doctors to consult with colleagues specialising in areas from dermatology to psychiatry. is a place for amateur illustrators to share their art, vote on each others’ work and communicate. And CSS Beauty, is a site where designers and developers share, critique and discuss design work.

These are all overseas. Are there any in Australia? Let us know if you know of any here.


SmartCompany Quote of the Day

“I can’t get no satisfaction.”
Mick Jagger