All sorts of things can count towards earning you a university degree nowadays – and if you are a student at RMIT in Melbourne, it seems this includes putting together a downloadable mobile phone ringtone.
All sorts of things can count towards earning you a university degree nowadays – and if you are a student at RMIT in Melbourne, it seems this includes putting together a downloadable mobile phone ringtone.
Students in the Bachelor of Arts (Music Industry) degree have created their own mobile ringtones as part of their course. SmartCompany has had a listen to a few, and can vouch that they sound pretty cool.
You might think making ring tones is not proper material for a uni degree, but given the global boom in mobile phone use, and the coming surge in mobile web applications, it is probably a useful thing to be able to do.
“Ringtone sales and subscriptions now account for more than 10% of global music sales, and it’s a market that’s growing dramatically each year – tunes that started out as ring tones are now topping mainstream pop charts,” the RMIT department’s acting program director Barry Hill says.
“Downloadable digital music formats present exciting new revenue and marketing opportunities for musicians, who no longer need to rely on the old formula for success of playing gigs, building a fanbase and securing a record deal with a major label to succeed in their artistic endeavours.”
And, best of all, the kids at RMIT are not keeping the creativity to themselves. You can listen to, and download the ringtones they have created, here.
Read more on mobile phones