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Small business lender Judo Bank is using automation and AI to bring the fight to the Big Four

Small business lender Judo Bank says its new forays into automation and artificial intelligence will provide customers with insights they could not gain on their own, as the scale-up challenges “industrialised” SME loans offered by the Big Four.
David Adams
David Adams
judo bank
Judo Bank COO Lisa Frazier. Source: Supplied

Small business lender Judo Bank says its new forays into automation and artificial intelligence will provide customers with insights they could not gain on their own, as the scale-up challenges “industrialised” SME loans offered by the Big Four.

On Monday, the seven-year-old Judo Bank revealed pre-tax profits in the nine months to March 31 of $86.7 million, surpassing the full-year profits of $15.6 million tallied in 2021-2022.

The institution also projected a net interest margin โ€” the difference between the interest it earns from loans and the interest it pays on deposits โ€” to between 3.35

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