A review of more than 200,000 claims lodged at insurance group AAMI last year shows that those born under the signs of Aquarius and Cancer are most likely to suffer an accident, followed by Capricorn.
A review of more than 200,000 claims lodged at insurance group AAMI last year shows that those born under the signs of Aquarius and Cancer are most likely to suffer an accident, followed by Capricorn.
A public affairs manager at AAMI says Aquarians and Cancerians were most likely to lodge a claim, citing their moody and unpredictable natures.
But while Librans have the fewest accidents out of all the signs, they are most likely to lodge the most expensive claims.
But AAMI corporate affairs manager Mike Sopinski says the survey isn’t to be taken seriously. “We basically just did this analysis as a bit of fun,” he says.
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