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Big business launches fear campaign against TPA changes

A big business outcry against stronger competition law protections for SMEs won by Senator Barnaby Joyce yesterday is little more than scaremongering, SME business groups say. Joyce revealed yesterday that Treasurer Peter Costello had agreed to include a provision likely to make it easier for the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to take legal action […]

A big business outcry against stronger competition law protections for SMEs won by Senator Barnaby Joyce yesterday is little more than scaremongering, SME business groups say.

Joyce revealed yesterday that Treasurer Peter Costello had agreed to include a provision likely to make it easier for the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to take legal action against predatory pricing in a Government package of amendments to the Trade Practices Act.

National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia chief executive Ken Henrick says the inclusion of the Joyce amendment on predatory pricing is a win for SMEs.

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