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Three won’t release iPhone pricing until launch

Australian consumers have been spoiled regarding the new iPhone 3GS, with several carriers now offering the gadget on plans ranging from as low as $19 per month to over $100 for unlimited calls and text messages. iPhone fans also rejoiced when Three Mobile announced it would carry Apple’s new device, following the company’s merger with […]

Australian consumers have been spoiled regarding the new iPhone 3GS, with several carriers now offering the gadget on plans ranging from as low as $19 per month to over $100 for unlimited calls and text messages.

iPhone fans also rejoiced when Three Mobile announced it would carry Apple’s new device, following the company’s merger with Vodafone Australia.

It recently announced that it would now launch the device next Friday, 17 July, but Mactalk is now reporting that sources say pricing will not be revealed until the launch day.

Additionally, Mactalk is reporting no pre-orders will be taken for the device, leaving the launch of the gadget up to a first-up, first-served basis. This could mean a rush on launch day with the possibility of a complete sell-out.

Many iPhone fans were puzzled when Three did not release its pricing before the 26 June launch, with many believing it lost sales to Telstra, Optus and Virgin.

Analysts believe Three’s pricing is to undercut some of the offerings from Optus and Virgin, as the brand has typically positioned itself as a low-cost alternative to other carriers.