The highs and lows of Martha Stewart’s life: From her reign as America’s home living queen, to financial embattlement and everything in between, Martha Stewart’s life and career have not been without turmoil.
Suzanna Stewart writes for Vanity Fair that the 72-year-old businesswoman seems to be steering her empire “toward the financial rocks”. The writer asks if Stewart can “make her golden years pay off?”
Meet the Yahoo! powerhouse: Delve into the life of another female businesswoman – this time Yahoo’s CEO Marissa Mayer. Nicholas Carlson writes an ‘unauthorised biography’, in Business Insider about Mayer’s controversial step into the hot seat of the internet giant.
Heard of a hyperloop? Apparently it’s a giant tube designed by entrepreneur Elon Musk that can transport individuals at great speed wherever you want to go. Obviously they don’t exist yet, but entrepreneur blogger Jerzy Ganghite asks, why isn’t Silicon Valley funding it and other futuristic designs?