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Meet Edwina Sharrock, the midwife and entrepreneur who scored a $200,000 deal with Janine Allis

Edwina Sharrock is a registered midwife and mum of two from Tamworth in New South Wales who is building Birth Beat, an empire helping women give birth.
Georgina Dent
Georgina Dent
Edwina Sharrock Birth Beat
Edwina Sharrock. Source: Supplied

Edwina Sharrock is a registered midwife and mum of two from Tamworth in New South Wales who is building an empire helping women give birth. On this week’s episode of Shark Tank Sharrock successfully attracted a $200,000 investment from Boost Juice founder Janine Allis for a 10% stake in her business.

Given how few female founders attract venture capital, it’s something she’s proud of.

“It is super exciting,” she says.

“Only 2.2% of VC funding last year went to female founders which is nuts.”

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