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Abbott’s risky business

Last week when the lower house of Federal Parliament passed the carbon tax, Opposition leader Tony Abbott didn’t look like a man who had been dealt a mortal blow. Indeed, the passing of the tax appeared to give Abbott fresh energy. He launched the theatrical “pledge in blood” promise to repeal the carbon tax and […]
James Thomson
James Thomson

Last week when the lower house of Federal Parliament passed the carbon tax, Opposition leader Tony Abbott didn’t look like a man who had been dealt a mortal blow.

Indeed, the passing of the tax appeared to give Abbott fresh energy. He launched the theatrical “pledge in blood” promise to repeal the carbon tax and yesterday the Coalition was telling anyone who would listen that the tax will be gone just six months after it takes office.

The Opposition will also eliminate the $10 billion clean energy finance fund which is to be used to help transform the energy sector from having a reliance on coal-fired power stations.

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