Do you know who your customers are? You may think you have a good idea who your business appeals to, but many start-ups are left blundering in the dark. Identifying your customer base is critical to the growth of your business. Today, we examine how you can effectively define your business’ proposition and provide some […]
Do you know who your customers are? You may think you have a good idea who your business appeals to, but many start-ups are left blundering in the dark.
Identifying your customer base is critical to the growth of your business. Today, we examine how you can effectively define your business’ proposition and provide some essential tips on how to hone in on your ideal customer.
Elsewhere, SEO guru Wai Hong Fong explains why domain names aren’t as important as you think when it comes to search and mentor Philip Alexander outlines what your ‘end game’ should look like when you negotiate with an investor.
Oliver Milman, editor