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Murray Goulburn and the perils of serving two masters: Lessons from the big end of town

Murray Goulburn released their unaudited, year-end report this week. It was a surprising result, with an increased profit being reported in the 2016 financial year along with the payment of a dividend. At face value, it didn’t sound like a business struggling so much that it had to slash the payment to its suppliers. Intrigued, […]
Michael Stapleton
Michael Stapleton
dairy platfarm farmers
The group says Australian banks have used predatory lending or asset-based lending. Source: Unsplash

Murray Goulburn released their unaudited, year-end report this week. It was a surprising result, with an increased profit being reported in the 2016 financial year along with the payment of a dividend. At face value, it didn’t sound like a business struggling so much that it had to slash the payment to its suppliers.

Intrigued, I thought I’d take a look at the company’s information and see what is going on behind the headline numbers. I wondered whether there would be lessons for owners of small and medium size businesses.

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