Dreams come true with the right kind of support

Johnny has been wanting to join the food and hospitality industry for many years, taking on unpaid work experience as a sous chef’s assistant, and studying. However, he found it hard to get paid employment. The work experience was not leading to ongoing roles and his confidence was suffering as a result.
At a point where he was feeling anxious about his prospects, Johnny enrolled in the Industry Employment Initiative, run by Jobs Victoria partner Social Ventures Australia.
Social Ventures Australia provides tailored training, work placements and ongoing support. With additional support from Jobs Victoria partner Jesuit Social Services, Johnny was equipped with further industry skills, as well as communication skills, resilience and confidence boosting.
He completed work experience at The Mansion Hotel and Spa in Werribee and was offered employment in the banquets team.
This partnership between Jobs Victoria, Social Ventures Australia, Jesuit Social Services and the Lancemore Group and has led to a dynamic program that engages employers in the hospitality and hotels sector who have entry-level roles to fill, and trains and supports jobseekers into these roles.
Jobs Victoria can help businesses find the people they need and Victorians find their way back to work. Call 1300 208 575 or visit jobs.vic.gov.au/fund.