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Facebook for spies

The 16 US intelligence agencies have developed “A-Space”, a networking project so spies and intelligence officers can communicate and share data more easily. For employees at the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency, browsing on social networking sites such as Facebook could soon become part of their daily work. The 16 US intelligence agencies have […]

The 16 US intelligence agencies have developed “A-Space”, a networking project so spies and intelligence officers can communicate and share data more easily.

For employees at the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency, browsing on social networking sites such as Facebook could soon become part of their daily work.

The 16 US intelligence agencies have developed “A-Space”, a networking project so spies and intelligence officers can communicate and share data more easily.

But assistant deputy director of national intelligence for analysis Michael Wertheimer says the project is much more than simple networking opportunities.

“It’s a place where not only spies can meet but share data they’ve never been able to share before,” Wertheimer says. “This is going to give them for the first time a chance to think out loud, think in public amongst their peers, under the protection of an A-Space umbrella.”

But don’t expect a look any time soon – Wertheimer says all information on and in the project is completely classified.

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