Dear Aunty B,
Thanks for your comments on business partnerships yesterday. Can you help me with my problem? In our case, my business partner and I have a lot in common. But there is one major difference which seems to be getting bigger with time.
I have a business partner who is off the wall. He is very social and spends a lot of time out of the office schmoozing customers. He is hopeless at the details but drives the business relentlessly which has its good points but is exhausting. His favourite expression (which he has in large print on his office wall) is ‘Stop talking: just do it.” Yet he is often the big talker!
However he is not the one responsible for getting things right – I am. He is also quite highly-strung and manic and while he is enthusiastic he sometimes drives the staff crazy.
The business is going well but I feel like he drives it too hard at times. Is he the right business partner for me?
Gold Coast
Dear Unsure,
This is the perfect business partner for you. All the great business partnerships are made up of opposites. Personally, I love meeting successful partners in a business and wondering at their differences.
You are the introvert, he is the extrovert. You are detailed focused, he is the ideas man. He loves to network and build your loyalty with customers and you would rather be in your office checking the cashflow and debtors list. Your staff turn to him for excitement and inspiration and to you for the security that everything is under control.
Yes, he drives you mad at times. But you must accept that he is essential to your success. And just remind him who does the ground work.
If I were you I would put a big sign up in your office: “We’re doing it so you keep talking!”
Good luck!
Your Aunty B
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