It may surprise you to discover that many sales managers learn how to be a manager on their own.
According to the latest international study on Sales Training and Sales Force Effectiveness, many sales managers are given very little or no support when it comes to being a competent, effective sales manager. In fact, many sales managers reported that they were given no formal training in sales management practices, either before or during their tenure.
The study reported that sales management training is the category that is addressed with the least frequency; in fact it is addressed less than annually or not at all.
The study also reported that if sales managers were more frequently and better trained and coached then their sales teams achieved higher performance and results. In no other type of sales training was a more positive correlation found between frequency of training and sales performance. Interestingly, it also revealed that sales training doesn’t need to be delivered in formal classroom settings.
As with many sales people who follow no logical process when selling, so it is true for many sales managers who fly by the seat of their pants. When it comes to sales managers many are left to their own devices. These international findings further support our 15 years of observations in the Australian marketplace that sales management development and performance is not taken as seriously as it should be.
Would we let a football coach without any experience or formal training in coaching become the head coach of an elite football team? Not likely! At the very least, we would expect them to do a coaching apprenticeship. In addition, many of the current crop of elite sporting coaches have also undertaken formal education and training to earn the right to apply for senior coaching roles.
Sales managers need support if they are to be of best value to your business, your team and to themselves.
Where do we start? Let’s look at some of the broad core capabilities they need to be competent sales managers in the 21st century sales environment:
- Strategic action – Understanding industry and organisation; taking strategic action.
- Coaching – role modelling, feedback, trust building.
- Team building – designing and managing teams, creating a supportive environment.
- Self-management – fostering integrity and ethical conduct, managing personal drive, developing self-awareness, decision-making and management skills.
- Global perspective – cultural knowledge and sensitivity, global selling program.
- Technology – understanding new technology, sales force automation, customer relationship management.
As you can see there is a lot to know and apply in the role of sales manager. So, how do we support them in their development?
Formal classroom training on key topics is a great start, however it is important that these are spaced at regular intervals – for example, run over a few months with one or two sessions and follow-ups rather than squashed into a week with no follow-ups. The formal classroom sessions should also be supported by much more frequent activities, which can include local or distance coaching (group and one-on-one), combined with regular access to advice and topics of interest such as talent management, time management, and business trends. This type of support needs to become part of a development regimen for those who are in sales management or those that aspire to be sales managers.
When formal and informal development is consciously applied and supported in the workplace it can produce amazing effects for the sales managers themselves and their teams.
For instance, as part of our development work at Barrett, in addition to classroom sessions, we run regular tele-coaching sessions (monthly one hour group sessions with up to four sales managers) for several companies. In these sessions sales managers share and discuss their needs, challenges, ideas, and strategies for effective sales performance in their teams, as well as their own needs and development as leaders. The feedback has been very encouraging.
These conversations are not just ‘chats’ they are based on substance and the critical things that sales managers need to know and apply. So, if you think you can solve the problem with a simple, unstructured monthly ‘chat’, think again.
Now that we have discussed the importance of developing sales managers, let’s also remember to consider the sales and sales management experience and expertise of the people you choose to support your sales managers through training, coaching, and mentoring. A deep subject matter expert will be able to provide both the practical and theoretical support they need for them and their teams to succeed.
While a monthly coaching or training session may not seem like much, many sales managers are in need of support and help, especially now in these tough markets. You can make a big difference to your sales results if you take a little time out to develop your team.
Happy selling.
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Sue Barrett is a Thought Leader on 21st century sales training, sales coaching, sales leadership, sales capability and sales culture. She practices as a coach, advisor, speaker, facilitator, consultant and writer and works across all market segments with her skilful team at BARRETT. They help people from many different careers become aware of their sales capabilities and enable them to take the steps to becoming effective, and productive when it comes to selling, sales coaching or sales leadership. Sue and her team are your first and best reference when it comes to forging out a successful career as a competent sales professional and leader . If you have an idea, capability, product, service or opportunity that can benefit another and make their life better in some way then Sue says you need to be able to sell – ethically, honourably, and effectively. To hone your sales skills or learn how to sell go to