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Thursday 27 October

Today on StartupSmart, we look at how you can utilise social media in a way that is a little more sophisticated than just a blunt sales tool. As tech entrepreneur Ruslan Kogan explains, social media is a great way to interact with your customers, but they will be quickly turned off if you simply bombard […]
Oliver Milman

Oliver MilmanToday on StartupSmart, we look at how you can utilise social media in a way that is a little more sophisticated than just a blunt sales tool.

As tech entrepreneur Ruslan Kogan explains, social media is a great way to interact with your customers, but they will be quickly turned off if you simply bombard them with marketing drivel.

Your business may not be part of the Arab Spring, but you can still mobilise people to act. Read Koganโ€™s tips to see how.

Elsewhere, mentor Deb Templar has some great advice on how to reach out to cautious consumers and eco consultant Richard Nicol outlines the importance of sustainability in a carbon-priced economy.